JavaScript (Part 2)

Continuing on from the previous lesson, this lesson shows how to create objects with members (i.e., fields and methods) that behave the way public and private instance members, and public and private class (i.e., static) members, would in a language like Java.

Using Functions to Create Objects with Private Members

In a typical object-oriented programming language, the distinction made between a class and an object goes something like this: a class is a blueprint; an object is a thing created based on that blueprint. So you can expect the object to have whatever members are specified in the blueprint…etc. But there’s another way to think about the distinction: a class is a bit of code you can look at in a text editor; an object is a thing that’s created when your program runs, based on that code. When you create an object, memory is allocated for the new object. When you create another object, although it might be based on the same class, you have to allocate more memory for it. Each object has its own memory, to store its own unique state.

So what does it means to say that, in JavaScript, a function is an object? Not just that the function can have member fields and methods, but that the function is created, not defined. The function is not (just) a bit of code you can look at in a text editor, it’s a thing that gets created when your program runs. And when the function object is created, memory is allocated to store its unique state. The fact that functions have state, in JavaScript, means that they can remember things from one invocation to the next.

To illustrate this, here’s yet another version of the second example from the section on immediate functions.

(function () {
    var name;

    name = "David";

    hello = function () {
        name = "Dave";

hello();  // prints "David"
hello();  // prints "Dave"

A function created this way, so that it includes as part of its state a variable declared outside it, is called a closure. Notice that, even though hello is being called outside the immediate function that contains its definition (i.e., the statement that creates it), it still has access to the name variable. hello behaves like a public method with access to a private field, a standard pattern in a typical object-oriented language like Java.

Here’s the PigPlayer constructor again, this time using closures to make holdAmount and score private fields.

PigPlayer = function (holdAmountArg) {
    var holdAmount, score;

    if (!(this instanceof PigPlayer)) {
        return new PigPlayer(holdAmountArg);

    holdAmount = holdAmountArg;
    score = 0;

    this.getScore = function () { return score; };

    this.takeTurn = function () {
        var turnScore = 0, rollScore;

        while (turnScore < holdAmount) {
            rollScore = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;

            if (rollScore > 1) {
                turnScore += rollScore;
            } else {
                turnScore = 0;

        score += turnScore;

To clarify what’s going on here… The getScore function includes a reference to PigPlayer’s score field; the takeTurn function includes references to both score and holdAmount. Because score and holdAmount are declared within PigPlayer, you might expect they’d be deallocated when PigPlayer returns and they go out of scope. But they are kept around for the sake of score and takeTurn, because they’ll be needed if these functions are called later.

holdAmount and score act like private fields would in a language like Java—they aren’t directly accessible from outside the object, but they persist as part of the object’s state, accessible to the object’s methods (and therefore indirectly accessible outside the object). We’ll take this idea further in the next section, considering how we can create variables and functions that act like private or public members of an object, and also static vs. instance members.

Exercise : Write a function (or more than one) to read multiple files concurrently. It should create XMLHttpRequest objects and call send for all the files, not waiting for one to finish loading before sending the request for another. In addition, it should be able to determine when all of the files are loaded, and should at that point call a callback function passed in as an argument.1

Here’s how it might look to call your function.

printResponses = function (responses) {
    var i;

    for (i = 0; i < responses.length(); i++) {

fileNames = ["hello.txt", "salut.txt", "hola.txt"];
readFiles(fileNames, printResponses);

Hint: One approach to solving this problem would be to put an immediate function inside a loop, in order to limit the scope of variables declared within that function to just the code within the loop, as shown here.

j = 1;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    (function () {
        var j = 2;
        console.log(j);  // prints "2" (5 times)

console.log(j);  // prints "1"

Hint (continued): Unfortunately JSList doesn’t allow you to create a function inside a loop; it would usually be a wasteful mistake. A way to work around this would be to create a function that creates and returns a new function, and to call the function-creating function from within a loop. The example below illustrates this.

j = 1;

createJPrinter = function () {
    return function () {
        var j = 2;

for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    jPrinter = createJPrinter();
    jPrinter();  // prints "2" (5 times)

console.log(j);  // prints "1"

Public, Private, Static

If you add a variable to this in a constructor, it acts like a public instance field. Similarly, if you add a function to this in a constructor, it acts like a public instance method.

PigPlayer = function (holdAmountArg) {

    if (!(this instanceof PigPlayer)) {
        return new PigPlayer(holdAmountArg);

    // public instance field
    this.holdAmount = holdAmountArg;

    // public instance method
    this.increaseHold = function (amount) {
        this.holdAmount += amount;

p = new PigPlayer(25);
console.log(p.holdAmount);  // prints "25"
console.log(p.holdAmount);  // prints "35"

If you add a variable or function within the constructor but don’t assign it to this, it will act like a private field or method.

PigPlayer = function (holdAmountArg) {
    var holdAmount, score, rollDice;

    if (!(this instanceof PigPlayer)) {
        return new PigPlayer(holdAmountArg);

    // private instance fields
    holdAmount = holdAmountArg;
    score = 0;

    // public instance method
    this.getScore = function () { return score; };

    // private instance method
    rollDice = function () {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;

    // public instance method
    this.takeTurn = function () {
        var turnScore = 0, rollScore;

        while (turnScore < holdAmount) {
            rollScore = rollDice();

            if (rollScore > 1) {
                turnScore += rollScore;
            } else {
                turnScore = 0;

        score += turnScore;

p = new PigPlayer(25);
console.log(p.holdAmount);  // prints "undefined"
console.log(p.getScore());  // prints updated score...

Notice a couple things about the code above… The third to last line prints undefined because holdAmount isn’t accessible directly as a member of p. But holdAmount is still part of p’s state; it’s accessed indirectly when takeTurn is called. So holdAmount acts like a private instance field.

Also notice the rollDice method, marked by the comment above it as a private instance method. Actually it could have been marked as a private static method instead, since it doesn’t access any instance fields or methods, i.e., it doesn’t use this. What if it did? You would probably expect that, if p.takeTurn() were used to call takeTurn and, within takeTurn, rollDice were called—you’d expect that if rollDice used this that it would refer to p. But it wouldn’t. In JavaScript, if you call a function from an object variable (x.doSomething()), this is assigned the object (x) within the function; but if you don’t (doSomething()), this still points to a global object. And this is true even for rollDice in the example above.

How can we get around this problem? We’ll look at two ways here. First, this could be assigned to a local variable. Second, we could forget this altogether—just create a new object, assigned to a local variable, and return that object at the end of the constructor (instead of returning this, which is what happens when you don’t include a return statement).

Here’s the first way. (Unfortunately the convention is to use that when you assign this to a local variable; it’s confusing, but I’m sticking to the convention here.)

PigPlayer = function (holdAmountArg) {
    var that, holdAmount, score, rollDice;

    if (!(this instanceof PigPlayer)) {
        return new PigPlayer(holdAmountArg);

    // Assign "this" to a local variable, for the sake of any
    // private (i.e., declared with "var" in this function)
    // methods that need to access public instance members.
    that = this;

    holdAmount = holdAmountArg;
    score = 0;

    that.getScore = function () { return score; };

    // If rollDice used "this" it would refer to a global object,
    // which would be (very) bad.  But if it used "that" it would
    // refer to the object rollDice was added to when it was
    // created, which would be good.
    rollDice = function () {...};

    that.takeTurn = function () {...};

And here’s the second way. I’ve called the new object variable pb, for “public” (less to type, but also because public is a keyword in JavaScript), since anything I add to pb will become a public member of the object. Notice that the if statement at the beginning, to make sure new was used when the constructor was called, is no longer necessary. The point of making sure new was used was to make sure this wouldn’t refer to a global object. But this version of PigPlayer doesn’t use this at all, so it doesn’t matter whether new is used to call it.

PigPlayer = function (holdAmountArg) {
    var pb, holdAmount, score, rollDice;

    // Create a new empty object; assign it to pb, which will be
    // a container for public members.
    pb = {};

    holdAmount = holdAmountArg;
    score = 0;

    pb.getScore = function () { return score; };

    // Would be fine for a private instance method like rollDice
    // to refer to "pb".  (Compare to previous version...would not
    // have been fine for rollDice to refer to "this" in that
    // version.)
    rollDice = function () {...};

    pb.takeTurn = function () {...};

    // Instead of returning "this" (which would happen
    // automatically if PigPlayer were called with new and had
    // no return statement), return pb, the container object for
    // public members.
    return pb;

To make the code a little clearer, we can use pv as a container for private members in the same way pb is used for public members.

PigPlayer = function (holdAmount) {
    var pb = {}, pv = {};

    pv.holdAmount = holdAmount;
    pv.score = 0;

    pb.getScore = function () { return pv.score; };

    pv.rollDice = function () {...};

    pb.takeTurn = function () {...};

    return pb;

What about static members? In the following example, numDice would act like a private static field. It’s created just once, when the immediate function wrapping PigPlayer runs. (This is in contrast to pb and pv above, which are created every time the constructor PigPlayer runs.) Since it’s not returned there won’t be a way to access it directly from outside a PigPlayer object, and yet if it’s accessed within a function that’s a member of the PigPlayer object (e.g., pv.rollDice) a reference to it will be maintained as part of the state of the object. That is, it will act like a private static field.

(function () {
    var numDice = 2;

    PigPlayer = function (holdAmount) {...};

We have a container object for public instance members (pb), and one for private instance members (pv). Why not create one for private static members like numDice? And why not make rollDice a (private) static method, since it doesn’t need to access any instance members?

(function () {
    var ps = {};

    // private static field
    ps.numDice = 2;

    // private static method
    ps.rollDice = function () {
        var i, total = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < ps.numDice; i++) {
            total += Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;

        return total;

    PigPlayer = function (holdAmount) {...};

One more possibility would be to include public static members. In Java, these would be accessed via the class name (i.e., Math.random). It’s possible to do the same thing in JavaScript, as illustrated by the example below.2 (To avoid repetition I left out parts of the code in the last few examples, but I’ve included the whole thing here since this is the last version of the code.)

(function () {
    var ps = {};

    // private static field
    ps.numDice = 2;

    // private static method
    ps.rollDice = function () {
        var i, total = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < ps.numDice; i++) {
            total += Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;

        return total;

    PigPlayer = function (holdAmount) {
        var pb = {}, pv = {};

        // private instance fields
        pv.holdAmount = holdAmount;
        pv.score = 0;

        // public instance methods
        pb.getScore = function () { return pv.score; };

        pb.takeTurn = function () {
            var turnScore = 0, rollScore;

            while (turnScore < pv.holdAmount) {
                rollScore = ps.rollDice();

                if (rollScore > ps.numDice) {
                    turnScore += rollScore;
                } else {
                    turnScore = 0;

            pv.score += turnScore;

        return pb;

    // public static method
    PigPlayer.setNumDice = function (numDice) {
        ps.numDice = numDice;

It would be possible to add a public static field in the same way; just add it as a member to PigPlayer after the PigPlayer function. There’s just one possible problem to be aware of. Suppose we defined maxHold, after setNumDice, in the following way.

PigPlayer.maxHold = 50;

As long as we always accessed maxHold via PigPlayer, everything would be fine. But what about this?

p = new PigPlayer(20);
p.maxHold = 40;

Rather than changing the static field PigPlayer.maxHold, this statement would add maxHold to p as a new public instance field and initialize it to 40. You wouldn’t get any error message, the code just wouldn’t do what you intend. Because of this you might want to avoid public instance fields. Instead, you could just use a variable declared in such a way that its scope contains all instances.

Exercise : Why is it that setNumDice isn’t defined at the beginning with private static members? Or what if setNumDice were defined inside PigPlayer? What difference would that make?

Exercise : Translate the following Java class into a JavaScript function, following the pattern of the final version of PigPlayer above: use ps for any private static members, pb for any public instance members, and pv for any private instance members; add any public static members to the constructor object (e.g., PigPlayer) after adding the constructor function. (You may assume SpriteDrawer is defined somewhere else, i.e, add it to your JSLint /*global line at the beginning of the file.)

public class Sprite {

    private static int minX, minY, maxX, maxY;

    static {
        minX = minY = 0;
        maxX = 640;
        maxY = 480;

    private String filename;
    private double xPos = 0, yPos = 0;
    private boolean movable;
    private boolean visible = true;

    public Sprite(String filename, double xPos, double yPos,
            boolean movable) {
        this.filename = filename;
        forceMove(xPos, yPos);
        this.movable = movable;

    private void forceMove(double dx, double dy) {
        xPos += dx;
        yPos += dy;

        if (xPos < minX) xPos = minX;
        if (xPos > maxX) xPos = maxX;

        if (yPos < minY) yPos = minY;
        if (yPos > maxY) yPos = maxY;

    public void move(double dx, double dy) {
        if (movable) forceMove(dx, dy);

    public void hide() {
        visible = false;

    public void show() {
        visible = true;

    public void draw() {

        if (visible)
            SpriteDrawer.draw(filename, xPos, yPos);

    public boolean checkCollision(Sprite that,
            double collisionDistance) {
        double dx = this.xPos - that.xPos;
        double dy = this.yPos - that.yPos;
        double distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

        return distance <= collisionDistance;
  1. In case you are worried about the possibility of a race condition, if for example you had multiple callback functions trying to modify a shared variable at the same time…you don’t need to worry about that. In JavaScript a function runs as an atomic piece of code, i.e., its execution won’t be interleaved with that of another function. For more details:

  2. A different way to simulate public static members would be to use the prototype member automatically created for function objects and assigned to this when the function is invoked as a constructor (i.e., with new). I’ve chosen not to do it this way, and to avoid a general discussion of how prototype works in Javascript, in order to keep this lesson from getting too long.