Transformations (Part 2)

This lesson will show you how matrix multiplication can be used to implement the scaling and translation transformations introduced in the previous lesson. We’ll see also that it’s possible to represent the cumulative effect of a series of transformations with just one $4 \times 4$ matrix. Then we’ll redo the previous lesson’s third example, using matrix multiplication in the vertex shader code.

Transformations Represented by Matrices

The previous lesson’s examples illustrate two possible scaling transformations:

We can define a general 3D scaling transformation that would include both:

This could be written as three equations…

…but it’s typically written as one matrix multiplication:

What does this mean? Well, here’s how multiplication would be defined for a general $3 \times 3$ matrix times a $3 \times 1$ matrix representing a vertex with $x$, $y$ and $z$ coordinates:

Notice that $m_{11}$ provides a way of making $x’$ depend on $x$; it’s the term you use if you want $x’$ to be equal to $x$ times a scaling factor:

Similarly $m_{22}$ is the term you use if you want $y’$ to depend on $y$, and $m_{33}$ is the term you use if you want $z’$ to depend on $z$.

What if $m_{11}$, $m_{22}$ and $m_{33}$ are all $1$? We have the identity matrix:

This is the matrix which, if you multiply it times a vertex, gives you back the same vertex you started with. We’ll come back to this later. What about the other terms—$m_{12}$, $m_{13}$, etc.? They give you ways of making, for example, $x’$ depend on $y$ or $z$. We don’t need them for scaling, but we’ll use them later for rotation transformations.

So we can use a $3 \times 3$ matrix to represent a general 3D scaling transformation. What about translation? In the examples above, we added the same value to the $x$ coordinate of every vertex. But there’s no term in the $3 \times 3$ matrix we can use to do this. We can make $x’$ depend on $x$, $y$ or $z$, but we can’t just add the same thing to every $x$, regardless of the $y$, $z$ or original $x$ values. A $3 \times 3$ matrix won’t work.

But a $4 \times 4$ will:

Recall example 2 from the WebGL lesson: in the vertex shader we had to put the vertex in homogeneous coordinates before assigning its position to gl_Position. We added a fourth value of 1.0, because of the way homogeneous coordinates are defined: $(x, y, z, w)$, in homogeneous coordinates, is equivalent to $(\frac{x}{w}, \frac{y}{w}, \frac{z}{w})$ in standard coordinates. So the extra $1$ at the end of each vertex in the equation above doesn’t change the vertex’s position.

What it does, however, is give us a way to add the same value—whatever we put in $t_x$—to the $x$ coordinate of every vertex:

We can likewise use $t_y$ to translate in the $y$ direction or $t_z$ to translate in the $z$ direction.

Here’s what the scaling transformation looks like if we use homogeneous coordinates:

Notice that the terms we used for $t_x$, $t_y$ and $t_z$ are all $0$. This should make sense, because the scaling transformation isn’t supposed to add anything to $x$, $y$ and $z$; it’s supposed to multiply them by $s_x$, $s_y$ and $s_z$. But what if we put something in the translation terms? Could we use the same matrix to scale and translate? Yes:

What exactly does this mean? We can write it as three equations to make it clearer:

This is starting to look like our vertex shader code from examples 3 and 4 in the previous lesson. Which one, though? They didn’t do the same thing. It turns out this is like example 3, where the translation amount was in the original coordinate system rather than the scaled coordinate system. A transformation like the one in example 4 would look like this:

Or, as a matrix multiplication:

What’s going on here? The first composite transformation matrix represents scaling first, and then translating; the second represents translating first, then scaling. (Recall the vertex shader code from examples 3 and 4.) To show this, we need to know how to multiply one square matrix times another, so we’ll start with that.

Here’s how multiplication is defined for 2x2 matrices:

Notice that, for a term in the product matrix, row terms from the first matrix are multiplied by column terms from the second. In general, the product matrix term $p_{ij}$ is equal to the sum produced by multiplying the row$_i$ terms from the first matrix by the column$_j$ terms from the second, and then adding the resulting values together. This is true for any size square matrices, including the $4 \times 4$ transformation matrices we’re interested in. Let’s work through an example using the scaling matrix as the first matrix and the translation matrix as the second:

To get the first term of the product, we need to multiply the terms from the first row of the scaling matrix by the terms from the first column of the translation matrix, and then sum the results together:

$p_{11}$ is in the “how much to scale $x$” position. This value stays equal to $s_x$, which means the composite transformation matrix will scale by the same amount as the scaling matrix, i.e., so far so good. What about $p_{12}$?

Good. We didn’t want anything in the composite matrix to make $x’$ depend on $y$. What about the first translation term, in the upper right corner of the composite matrix?

Aha! The translation amount is multiplied by the scale factor. Could it be that our composite matrix represents the “translate first, then scale” transformation used in example 4? Yes. Here’s what you get if you work through all the terms:

So, to get the “translate first, then scale” composite transformation, you multiply the scaling matrix times the translation matrix, as shown above. What if you were to multiply the translation matrix times the scaling matrix, as shown here?

What will we get for the product’s first scaling term, $p_{11}$? What about the first translation term, $p_{14}$?

This is just what we’d expect, if the product represents the “scale first, then translate” transformation used in example 3. And it turns out that it does:

These examples show that we can create matrices representing composite transformations by multiplying matrices representing simpler transformations (scale, or translate) together. They also show that matrix multiplication is not commutative; that is, for matrices $A$ and $B$ (with dimensions such that multiplication is possible), $AB \ne BA$.

Exercise : The third and fourth examples in the previous lesson, “Squares in Different Places” and “Squares in Different Different Places,” show visually that the order of transformations is significant, but you can work it out by hand to see the difference more clearly.

You should see that the $x$ values for the vertex you chose are indeed different depending on which version of the vertex shader is used.

Exercise : Show that the following is true…

…by working through each term in the product matrix. (Terms $p_{11}$, $p_{12}$ and $p_{14}$ were done for you in the explanation above.)

Each term of the product matrix can be described in terms of its effect on a vertex. For example, the upper left term, $p_{11}$, is in the “how much to scale x” position. See how many of the terms you can describe in this way, based on what you’ve learned so far. (You should be able to describe at least six.)

Exercise : Repeat exercise 5.1, but use matrices to represent the transformations…

Again, you should see that the $x$ values for the vertex you chose are indeed different depending on which version of the vertex shader you used.

Squares in Different Places…with Matrices

In the previous section, vertices were represented by matrices with a single column, and post-multiplication was used to apply a transformation represented by a matrix. Alternatively, you can use pre-multiplication if vertices are represented by matrices with a single row:

For pre-multiplication, what’s shown here, the vertex comes first, in contrast to examples of post-multiplcation in the previous section, where the transformation matrix came first. Also notice that the transformation matrix has been transposed—what used to be rows have become columns. It turns out that we have a choice: we can either post-multiply, as we did in the previous section, or we can transpose transformation matrices and then pre-multiply. Why would we ever choose the second option? It has to do with the way arrays representing matrices are interpreted in the vertex shader…

Given an array representing a matrix, there are two ways to interpret it: row-major order and column-major order. Here’s a matrix:

Here’s how you would code it as an array, if the language used row-major order:

tMatrix = [ 1, 0, 0, tx,
            0, 1, 0, ty,
            0, 0, 1, tz,
            0, 0, 0, 1 ];

And here’s how you would have to code it if the language used column-major order:

tMatrix = [ 1,  0,  0,  0,
            0,  1,  0,  0,
            0,  0,  1,  0,
            tx, ty, tz, 1 ];

It looks as if you’ve transposed the matrix. But technically it’s not transposed; a column-major language would interpret the in a way that would make it represent the original translation matrix above. If you put the row-major version in a column-major language, it would be interpreted as the transpose of the original. (Similarly, if you put the column-major version in a program written in a language using row-major interpretation, it would be interpreted as the transpose of the original.) So it’s not just what the code looks like that determines whether it’s the transpose, it also depends on how the code is interpreted.

The OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) interprets arrays representing matrices as if they have been written in column-major order. So we can either write the code for our matrices in the normal way, and then pre-multiply, since the array in our code will be interpreted to represent the transpose of the transformation matrix, or we can write the code so that it looks like the transpose and post-multiply. For this example we’ll use the first option. The transformation matrices in our JavaScript code will look normal, but we’ll pre-multiply in the vertex shader because we know our matrices will be interpreted as having been transposed.

Here’s the vertex shader, square.vert:

attribute vec3 position;
uniform mat4 transform;

void main(void) {
    gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0) * transform;

The uniform variable transform is a $4 \times 4$ transformation matrix given in row-major order. As explained above, it will be interpreted as the column-major transpose of the transformation matrix we’re interested in, so when calculating gl_Position we pre-multiply; that is, we put the vertex first. Note that the multiplication operation we need—multiply a 4-value vector and a $4 \times 4$ matrix—is built in to GLSL. Also, the vector is automatically treated as a single row or as a single column depending on which is needed to make the multiplication valid.

Suppose the functions listed below have been added to the JavaScript file, square.js. (Source code isn’t included, since the implementation of these functions is one of the exercises at the end of this lesson.)

// Returns an array representing a $4 \times 4$ identity matrix.
identityMatrix = function () {
    return [ 1, 0, 0, 0,
             0, 1, 0, 0,
             0, 0, 1, 0,
             0, 0, 0, 1 ];

// a - A 4x4 transformation matrix.
// b - A 4x4 transformation matrix.
// Returns the product matrix a * b.
multiply = function (a, b) {
    // Exercise 4...

// m - A 4x4 transformation matrix.
// sx, sy, sz - x, y and z scale factors.
// Returns the composite transformation produced by starting
// with m and then scaling by sx, sy and sz.
scale = function (m, sx, sy, sz) {
    // Exercise 4...

// m - A 4x4 transformation matrix.
// tx, ty, tz - x, y and z translation amounts.
// Returns the composite transformation produced by starting
// with m and then translating by tx, ty and tz.
translate = function (m, tx, ty, tz) {
    // Exercise 4...

Here’s the code in main that would use these functions. (As with previous examples, this code would go after the code that sets up the connection between the vertex data and the vertex shader attribute variable position.)

// Get references to shaders' uniform variables.
transformUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram,
colorUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "color");

// Set up for drawing from vertex buffer.
gl.vertexAttribPointer(vertexPositionAttribute, 3, gl.FLOAT,
        false, 12, 0);

// Clear the canvas.
gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

// Start with an identity matrix (transformation that doesn't
// change a vertex coordinates at all).
transform = identityMatrix();

// Scale x values to fix aspect ratio.
transform = scale(transform, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0);

// Translate x values to move square left.
orangeSquareTransform = translate(transform, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0);

// Scale to make the square bigger.
orangeSquareTransform = scale(orangeSquareTransform,
        1.25, 1.25, 1.25);

// Copy orangeSquareTransform to vertex shader uniform
// variable "transform"; draw orange square.
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(transformUniform, false,
        new Float32Array(orangeSquareTransform));
gl.uniform3f(colorUniform, 1.0, 0.6, 0.1);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

// Copy transform (transformation matrix with only the scale
// to fix the aspect ratio) to vertex shader uniform variable
// "transform"; draw yellow square.
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(transformUniform, false,
        new Float32Array(transform));
gl.uniform3f(colorUniform, 1.0, 0.9, 0.1);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

// Translate to move square right, make it smaller, copy
// transformation matrix to vertex shader, draw blue square.
blueSquareTransform = translate(transform, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
blueSquareTransform = scale(blueSquareTransform,
        0.75, 0.75, 0.75);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(transformUniform, false,
        new Float32Array(blueSquareTransform));
gl.uniform3f(colorUniform, 0.1, 0.3, 0.8);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

As you might guess from the title of this section, the image generated by this code would match what was generated by the previous lesson’s “Squares in Different Places” example.

Exercise : Implement the multiply, scale, and translate functions listed above so that you have a working program for the example above.

To help you test your functions, here’s a function that prints a 16-element JavaScript array in the browser console.

// m - A 4x4 transformation matrix.
// d - Number of digits after the decimal point that should
//     be used when printing values from the matrix.
// Prints matrix to browser console.  (For testing.)
printMatrix = function (m, d) {
    var i;

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        console.log(m[i * 4].toFixed(d) + ", " +
                m[i * 4 + 1].toFixed(d) + ", " +
                m[i * 4 + 2].toFixed(d) + ", " +
                m[i * 4 + 3].toFixed(d));

Exercise : Rewrite the code from the previous exercise so that…

The image produced by your program should match what’s produced by your solution to the previous exercise.

Exercise : Based on what you’ve learned so far, write a WebGL program that generates an image like the side view of a Rubik’s Cube.

Figure 5.1 shows a possible solution.

Rubik's Cube Side View

Figure : Rubik's Cube Side View